Past Meetings


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Past Demonstration Summary



2013 – January Meeting


Meeting Reports:

Library reports two new DVD’s on wood turning projects. Joan introduces a new sign out system. Remember, two items allowed to be checked out for one month.


Raffle reports the perpetual bowl, wood blanks, gift certificates and laminated dyed wood donated by Bob Rosand.


Meeting Announcements:


Rob introduced two guests.


Mar 1,2,3 will be Tylersport Turning Fair.


Reminder of President’s challenge for Feb. Draw your idea, turn your idea, and bring both to the meeting.


Rob passes on a thanks and job well done to Steve Reppert for the website construction and to Rick Bryant for updating the site.


The perpetual bowl will be restarted this meeting with a bowl by Tom Buchner. If you win the bowl in the raffle, you must bring a bowl to the next meeeting. The name has been changed to allow you to bring a “turning”. 


Harry thanks those who turned tops for the kids in Kenya. A picture of the tops is on the website homepage.


Remember to look at the projects tab on the website. 



Perpetual Turning:

Perpetual turning donated by Tom Buchner and won by Greg Sholtz.




Demonstration by Tom Buchner.  Bowl coring with the OneWay system.




Show and Tell: