2015 – December Meeting
Meeting Reports:
No visitors.
Rob reminded everyone to join the AAW.
AAW Scholarships were won by Rick Bryant and Andy Beal. Only about 100 names submitted from all clubs and 28 scholarships were awarded.
The drawing for the LVW Scholarship was held. The winner was George Geissler.
Rob reminded us to keep in mind as the year ends that we lost 3 long time members in the past year, Elwood Borger, Al Parry and Jim Haley.
Meeting Announcements:
LVW turnings at the Easton YMCA craft show has been a big success. Lots of items have been sold.
Rick Bryant asking for potential names for a T shirt printing. A sign up sheet was passed around. If not present at the meeting let Rick know if you have interest with size and long or short sleeve.
Two new DVDs in the library by Al Stirt, one of the demonstrators at the MAWA symposium.
Rick talked about the MAWA symposium. Link to the web site in the News menu then scroll down to the MAWA News section.
Tickets will go on sale in January 2016. $210 for the two day event including banquet.
MAWA looking for volunteers, including 8 videographers. The videographers will get 1/2 off the entry fee. See MAWA website for details.
Perpetual Turning:
This months perpetual turning is a cherry lidded box made by Rob Kingham and won by Butch Ruggiero.

Rob Kingham cherry lidded box won by Butch Ruggiero
Butch Ruggiero and Rob Kingham demonstrating sharpening our turning tools. Butch prefers high speed grinder and CBN wheels. Rob prefers wet slow Tormek grinder.
Butch started with a discussion of tool steels. More information is included in this article on our web site.
Sources of CBN wheels are listed in the Sources and Supplies page. A number of different designs and wide range of prices. Woodcraft recently started selling their own Woodriver wheels
Jigs are available for conventional grinders and Tormek wet style grinders. Some folks are able to achieve consistent grind angles freehand. For the rest of us, jigs help a lot by allowing us to get consistent grind angles/shapes.
Show and Tell:
Perpetual turning of the month and gift exchange.