2015 – July Meeting
Meeting Reports:
Rob reminded to join the AAW.
Meeting Announcements:
Rob reported we had two long time club members pass since the last meeting, Al Parry and Jim Haley. They will both be missed.
The club will again be collecting donations for the Lehigh Valley Meals on Wheels annual fund raiser. Turnings need to be donated at the September meeting.
A question was asked about how far the bowl gouge should stick out when using a Vari-grind or equivalent jig to sharpen a fingernail grind. Many folks use 2in, some use 1 3/4in. No consensus on the reason for one dimension or another.
For folks who use the Smooth-On resins, and visit to get the products, please note the factory and retail shop have moved across the valley from Easton to Macungie. Link is the Sources and Supplys page. They are now located in what I know as the old Daytimers building. New address is :
Smooth-On, Inc.
5600 Lower Macungie Road
Macungie, Pennsylvania 18062 .
Perpetual Turning:
This months perpetual turning is a hollow form with finial made by Sean Carson and won by Terry Pundiak.

Sean Carson hollow form with finial won by Terry Pundiak
Demonstration by Hal Murray showing us how to fix cracks in bowls with splines. Also can be used just for embellishment. A lively presentation by Hal with lots of examples.
Show and Tell:
A good collection of member projects.