Past Meetings


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Past Demonstration Summary



2015 – June Meeting


Meeting Reports:

Three visitors for the meeting.


Rob reminded folks to join the AAW.  National symposium this weekend in Pittsburgh.



Meeting Announcements:

A large flame box elder was felled at the Trap Door restaurant in Emmaus on Rt 29.  The pieces are available if anyone wants to pick up.  Need chain saw.  Can park vehicle close to the area. 


Perpetual Turning:

No raffle table for this meeting, so no perpetual turning.




Demonstrator Pat Kramer talked about the history of traditional Hawaiin bowls and showed how he makes his bowls.  Very interesting and well presented.  I had not appreciated the traditional bowl is all end grain.  Highly desired to have some sap grain on either side of the bowl.  If the pith cracks, then it is repaired in some manner.  Apparently such repairs add value to the bowl since they reflect that more of the craftsman went into making the bowl. 


Article from Pats site on details of bowl, wood species, etc.


Traditional bowls at PatKramer.Net


An article with some details of the bowl design Pat wrote for his home turning club.


Traditional Hawaiian bowls article



Show and Tell:

No Show and Tell for tis meeting.