2015 – November Meeting
Meeting Reports:
Two visitors Ed Givney and Chris Sose who came to watch and support George Geisslers demonstration.
Rob reminded everyone to join the AAW.
Meeting Announcements:
Folks wanting to have their name submitted to the AAW for their annual scholarship needed to provide the name at the meeting. Need to give Rob your AAW member number
LVW has a scholarship for $500 to go toward turning tuition. Give Rob your name. Have to be a member of AAW. Name will be drawn in the December 2015 meeting.
Jim Brown reports 51 members for the club.
December meeting will be held as normal, the 4th Tuesday. Close to Xmas but too difficult to try and get a different day due to Woodcraft store having many clubs and events. There will be no Show-and-Tell in December meeting, instead the annual Gift Exchange. Folks wanting to exchange turnings should bring an item they have turned in a plain brown bag.
LVW has a number of tables at the Easton YMCA craft show. A good number of items have been sold. Submit your turnings to Rick Bryant if you want to participate.
Perpetual Turning:
This months perpetual turning is a spalted sycamore bowl made by Rick Bryant and won by Rob Kingham.

Rick Bryant spalted sycamore bowl won by Rob Kingham
George Geissler demonstrating turning a Trent Bosch style Vessel Of Illusion. A challenging project.
Show and Tell:
Ernie Donovan made an urn from curly maple and walnut. Some discussion about how to determine the volume of an urn. It seems the rule-of-thumb is 1 in3 of internal volume per 1 lb of the persons live weight. Interesting.