2015 – October Meeting
Meeting Reports:
1 visitor, Pete Snyder.
Rob reminded to join the AAW.
The Jim Haley shop sale went well. The family was very happy for the clubs help in disposing of Jims shop.
Meeting Announcements:
Let Rob know before the end of November if you want your name to be forwarded to the AAW for their annual scholarship. Need to give Rob your AAW member number.
LVW has a scholarship for $500 to go toward turning tuition. Give Rob your name. Have to be a member of AAW. Name will be drawn in the December 2015 meeting.
The club has a number of tables at the Easton YMCA craft show which runs November 2 – December 27. Contact Rick Bryant if you want to sell any items at the show. He needs a short bio, a legal form to be signed and the turnings with descriptions and prices.
MAWA Symposium is looking for volunteers. The list will be posted in the MAWA Events page when I get the email from Rick with the details.
Jim Brown reports 48 members for the club.
Perpetual Turning:
This months perpetual turning is an ash bowl with burnished beads made by Lee Buck and won by Rick Bryant.

Lee Buck ash bowl won by Rick Bryant
Rob Kingham demonstrated turning a pepper mill using a Crush-Grind mechanism. Rob showed printed instructions. Woodcraft version of the instructions in the link below, also included in the Projects page.
Show and Tell:
A lot of good projects for this months meeting.