2015 – April Meeting
Meeting Reports:
One new visitor. Rob gave Tony information about the club.
Rob reminded folks to join the AAW and the AAW annual symposium in June. 4 or 5 people showed they would be attending. Contact Rick Bryant if you want to arrange car pooling.
Reminder about Presidents challenge due at May meeting. Turn something with a piece of wood from Elwood Borgers sale.
No new library items.
Question on wood burning causing tip to deform. Concensus is that the temperature was not set high enough. Turn up the amps.
Rob and Rick recommend converting a battery charger for a wood burning power supply. The site “How to videos” has a detailed video including full bill-of-material to convert a battery charger. Rick followed this video. Scroll down in the site page
Rob asked for ideas to waterproof the inside of a wooden vessel. Suggestions were epoxy, fibre glass resin, polyurethane and latex paint clear base (before any pigment is added to the paint).
Discussion on rough turning a bowl. For the initial turning, the wall thickness should reduce from the rim toward the bottom in order to minimize tendency to crack.
Meeting Announcements:
Forks Area Society Art in the Park. Saturday May 16. Rob and Rick will have items on display.
Perpetual Turning:
This months perpetual turning is a hollow form dyed and burned, made by Rick Bryant and won by Butch Ruggiero.
Demonstration by Lee Buck on embellishing turnings by carving using power tools.
Handout for the demonstration.
The Sources and Supplies page has been updated with the sites recommended by Lee.
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